* Dear blog visitor, feel free to use,pick,copy and paste,download...etc all of header images here. You have my permission so,just do it right... - blogspot and technology -

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Here four different blogspot header imagesJust another simple blog that produced header images or templates for all. for you all guys. ; ) Feel 100% free to use it okay...

1. Red Yellow Stripes [ 700 x 200 ]

2.  Red Yellow Stripes [ 650 x 200 ]

3. New Car [ 700 x 200 ]

4. New Car [ 650 x 200 ]

5. Blurr Image [ 700 x 200 ]

6. Blurr Image [ 650 x 200 ]

7. Blurr Robot [ 700 x 200 ]

8. Blurr Robot [ 650 x 200 ]

More headers image will come my friends...Catch you later ; ) ...
" Blogspot Header Image Technology "

Monday, September 7, 2009

Hey...hey,whats up guys !? ; )  Hope you all are doing well today. Here another free header images based on music2x...hehe. If you plan to start a new blog in music niche soon,you might consider to try this header images. Give it a try,its free my friends...free forever. Grab it now !

1. Inbox Music [ 700 x 200 ]
2. Inbox Music [ 650 x 200 ]
3. Black Music [ 700 x 200 ]
4. Black Music [ 650 x 200 ]
5. My Music [ 700 x 200 ]
6. My Music [ 650 x 200 ]
Listen it...Feel it...Even you can't see it...That is music ; )

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Flower header images for you all friends. As usual edit it if you want it... ; ) More customization more satisfaction right...

1. Skyflowers [ 728 x 200 ]
2. Niceflower [ 728 x 200 ]
3. Skyflowers [ 700 x 200 ]
4. Niceflower [ 700 x 200 ]
5. Skyflowers [ 650 x 200 ]
6. Niceflower [ 650 x 200 ]
In flowers mood today... ; ) Blogspot In Flower ! lol...

Friday, September 4, 2009

What's up friends ! How your day? ; ) ... Here, some of my free time work result. Blue's blogspot headers image,hope you like it. This time i made headers image available in three diffrent size - 728 x 200 - 700 x 200 - 650 x 200 - So, you can choose which headers size that match with you blog header. Just use it okay...

1. Mywords [ 728 x 200 ]
2. Myeworld [ 728 x 200 ]
3. Myhappyday [ 728 x 200 ]
4. Blueart [ 728 x 200 ]
5. Mywords [ 700 x200 ]
6. Myeworld [ 700 x 200 ]
7. Myhappyday [ 700 x 200 ]
8. Blueart [ 700 x 200 ]
9. Mywords [ 650 x 200 ]
10. Myeworld [ 650 x 200 ]
11. Myhappyday [ 650 x 200 ]
12. Blueart [ 650 x 200 ]
Finally, i can make the day so much fun. Work on this header images,read others blog and finish up my daily jobs in  the office. Hope you all enjoy the day just like i did...hoho ; )

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Here another blacky header images,don't waste your time grab it now! ; ) ... if you not satisfied with my design and you have great idea to modified the header images, go get it and start your editing. Time to show your skill buddy...

1. My pc [ 728 x 200 ]
2. Love in black [ 728 x 200 ]
3. Black psp [ 728 x 200 ]
4. Yik rss [ 728 x 200 ]
Just do it right. Okay, that it for now...i will come back soon with the new header templates. See yaa.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

For your information, more new blogspot header image will come soon. So, keep in touch make sure you got the original copy of header image from 10zoom.blogspot.com... ; )
Today special invasion al, iron hide, and drupal 3d. Why is it called special header images? Lol... hoho.

1. Invasion Al [ 700 x 200 ]
2. IronHide [ 728 x 200 ]
3. Drupal 3D [ 728 x 200 ]
Have a nice day, and enjoy this new blogger header images.

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* Dear blog visitor, feel free to use,pick,copy and paste,download...etc all of header images here. You have my permission so,just do it right... - blogspot and technology -

Just another blog that provide free blogspot header images for all.

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